Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Room 11 Assembly Item

This is Room 11 sharing our music item at assembly.  
Sorry for the poor sound quality.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Year 2 Teddy Bears Picnic

Teddy Gram Note Generator

Design and Create

This week in Room 11 we made some boxes to hold a healthy sandwich.  Next week we are having a Teddy Bears Picnic and making our own healthy sandwich to take on our picnic in our box.

First we tried our own design and came up with some great ideas. 

 Then we used a template...

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Growing Seeds

In Room 11 we have planted some mustard seeds. Later in the term, once they have grown we are going to use them as part of a healthy sandwich. 
How tall do you think they will grow?